Published on 2022-07-21

MOVE 2022 Insight Report

Every year our team looks forward to attending MOVE! The leading conference for mobility in the world, this two-day event brings together thousands of professionals, visionaries and leaders across the mobility spectrum to mingle, learn and get inspired for the year ahead. 

MOVE 2022 Insight report: Trends and Ideas from London

When we get back from London, we rush to get all the trends and ideas down on paper. Our team then pours over these insights. We thought — why not share it?

A Valuable Tool for Industry Professionals

Our report is a great tool for anyone in the industry, whether you attended or not. This downloadable report gives you sharp, concise insight into the event’s biggest talking points.

Explore and Download

Take a look for yourself! Browse the preview here and sign up below to download the full MOVE 2022 insight report instantly. Don’t forget to let us know what you think! Your feedback helps us improve our insights and reports.

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